Sharing the Strength

Learning about life through the lens of cancer

The Gifts of Strangers

on June 27, 2014

I’ve thought a lot about strangers this week and how they touch our lives.  The last chemo treatment (my fourth) brought my blood counts to new lows, so three days ago I sat in a chair at the hospital and had a platelet transfusion.  Yesterday, I was back at the hospital receiving two units of blood.  Both times, I pondered how, if not for the generosity of complete strangers, I would not be able to receive these transfusions that are vital for my health. People had made the time to give of themselves, literally, not knowing who they might help along the way.  Today’s transfusion was the third blood transfusion I’ve received during chemo, so a lot of strangers are helping me out!

Those giving their blood and platelets aren’t the only strangers who have supported me during the past seven months.  During the winter, I received a cozy quilt and two beautiful prayer shawls, all handmade by strangers in an effort to surround me with warmth and remind me that I am being lifted up in thoughts and prayers.  I’ve received cards from friends of friends who don’t know me but wanted to send along encouraging words.  Fresh fruits and vegetables have been left at my door by neighbors who I don’t really know.

Then there are the countless people at Roswell Park Cancer Institute who I don’t know but certainly don’t treat me like a stranger during my hospital stays for chemo: the clown who visited and told me corny jokes, the volunteer who made me origami art, the nice young man who cleaned my room, the musicians who played in the lobby, the patient advocate, and many more.

I know many of you reading this are yourselves strangers to those you are helping who may never know who you are.  If you’ve donated blood or are assisting “behind-the-scenes” in any way, please know that you are making a huge difference in the lives of others.  On behalf of all of us receiving the gifts of strangers, thank you.

Update (6/28):  After reading this post, a friend commented to me that she had registered on a bone marrow transplant website and actually was matched with someone who needed bone marrow.  Please visit for more information.  And, while we’re at it, you can find a blood drive near you at  the American Red Cross website.

Share the strength.

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