Sharing the Strength

Learning about life through the lens of cancer

A Break in the Clouds

on November 6, 2015

A brief weather report from yesterday:

I was driving home from work and noticed the cloud formations in front of me – a series of ripples that almost looked like waves, with no sun in sight. There was just a bunch of horizontal lines of clouds, piled one on top of the other.

I looked to my right and saw dark gray clouds over the lake. That’s never a good sign. They were very threatening looking, and I knew they held nothing positive within them.

I looked to the left (yes, I really was still paying attention to my driving!). The sky was covered with so many clouds, you could actually see the layers. The clouds appeared in different shapes and colors, ranging from white and fluffy to light and dark gray. Then I saw it – a little patch of blue – and I knew the sun was out there somewhere waiting for the clouds to pass.

It made me think how often we get tunnel vision and get fixated in looking at things one way, and sometimes that can lead to only seeing things negatively. We may need to change the direction in which we’re looking a couple times before we can find something positive, something hopeful. Next time it looks completely cloudy ahead, change the direction in which you’re looking or try out that peripheral vision you have – you might just see a small patch of blue.

Share the strength.

2 responses to “A Break in the Clouds

  1. Kate says:

    Good morning Annie, What an amazingly descriptive writer you are! I felt like I was riding shot gun right along beside you (not empty handed)! More importantly, your wise words of wisdom always resonate deeply and remind me to Carpe Diem. Thank You.

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